We love Wolds Edge and want to be as kind as possible to the beautiful environment and wildlife we are lucky to be around.

So how do we do this?

Birds on a hanging bird feeder

We nurture nature

Around the site we have owl boxes, bird boxes, insect houses and bird feeders. We also have live feeds for the boxes into two or our lodges TV’s! We supply bird watching packs so you can enjoy the variety of birds that visit. Ditch the car and lace up your walking boots or clip on your cycling shoes. We can suggest great walks for you and your dog from the doorstep of your lodge and we're on hand to help with fantastic cycling routes. We also encourage using the village bus service and suggest bus walks.

Within Wolds Edge we haven’t created anything permanent, like a playground, that could impact the remote rural feel. Instead we offer pop up facilities, den building, bug hunting and encourage engagement with the natural environment. To keep light pollution a minimum we don’t have any pathway lights around the site (torches can be found in your lodge)

Yoga in front of the Shepherds Hut

We keep things local

When the village shop closed down we spearheaded the launch of the community store and cafe, allowing both villagers and guests to walk for their local produce or cuppa and a chat. We love to promote local businesses and have partnered with the local yoga instructor, offering ‘Yoga while you stay’ and always recommend local places to visit, eat and drink.

Our breakfast basket and treats are sourced from the local butcher and baker along with fresh milk and orange juice delivery from the local milkman in lovely glass bottles. And of course fresh eggs for breakfast from our friendly free roaming chickens.

The local tradesman are also on hand when we need them, our laundry company is just up the road and as most of our team live in the village, we try and keep our commute as car free as possible!

Wooden Sign at Wolds Edge

We don’t like waste

Our new signs are from reclaimed wood, our log burners use recycled wood blocks and along with our solar panels we now have an electric car charger.

Recycling bins are in the lodges and around the site. Our lodges are well insulated and where possible all our electrical appliances are energy efficient. (We appreciate your help by turning off lights and televisions when you don’t need them) We try to keep the office as paper free as possible and send all our communications via, email, text, phone and even in person!

We use or make our own eco friendly products to use in the lodges when possible (white vinegar, lemon). Naked Sprout supply our eco-friendly bamboo toilet rolls made with 100% renewable energy and our soap bars are carbon neutral.

We like to help

To help meet the needs of our deaf and hard of hearing guests, we can now provide a light and vibrating Fire & Co2 alarm safety system and this system can be made compatible with other lodges. We also provide attachable bath handles and a bath chair on request (these can be positioned for individual needs) and magnifying glasses to help read.

This is just the start and we aim to look at more ways to reduce, recycle and just help.